Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I know it is not "nice" to take pleasure in the suffering of others, but I think we can all be forgiven for reveling in this little nugget of schadenfreude for a few days . . .

Barber's personal and professional life have been in shambles recently. In April 2010, Barber reportedly left his wife of 11 years, Ginny, for 23-year-old Traci Johnson, a former NBC intern. Ginny was eight months pregnant at the time. Soon after, NBC cited its morals clause and terminated Barber's contract, which reportedly paid him more than $300,000 per year.

In June 2010, the New York Post reported Barber was broke and couldn't pay his divorce settlement with his ex-wife.
Tikki, on behalf of all of us here at Wheeeeeeeeeeere's Luke?, I would just like to say: suck it, sir. Suck it.


Open Bar said...

Looks like Tiki really fumbled his post-NFL career.

The Notorious LJT said...

his luck is starting to turnover. hyyhyyhyhyyyy

Open Bar said...

He really dropped the ball on his broadcasting career.

Side Bar said...

Now that's what I call illegal touching.

The Notorious LJT said...

he should have had someone manning his finances

Open Bar said...

Maybe he should just apologize to his poor wife rather than try to go running back to his old life.

The Notorious LJT said...

he'd have to put his tail back between his legs

Open Bar said...

Tackling a new job at his age can't be easy. I wonder if he'll lower his guard when facing the inevitable media beatdown and try to stay centered psychologically.

I'd say he should wear a "Go fuck yourself, haters!"-style shirt to his first practice, but some would call that a rather offensive line.

Side Bar said...

I bet he won't even get a quarter back from NBC on his $300,000/year contract.

Side Bar said...

The 23 year-old pleaded to one count of "ass interference" as well as the lesser charge of "illegal hands to the Tikki."

Side Bar said...

With his wife gone and his girlfriend losing interest, Tikki has a pretty bad case of "big blue."

Might be time for a "hand off."

Open Bar said...

When he's working out, he should remember to have a spotter, because though lifting weights will make you strong, safety comes first!

The Notorious LJT said...

he must be depressed. i wonder if he will go to the bar and get blitzed out of his mind.

Open Bar said...

I bet Eli's gonna want to punch him right in the face, so Tiki may want to invest in some kind of nose guard.

The Notorious LJT said...

calm down don't break the screeen

The Notorious LJT said...

talking shit about your former team and leaving your pregnant wife aren't things you can just sweep under the rug

ChuckJerry said...

Leave him be, guys, he's not a saint. Paying your divorce settlement is a giant responsibility. I guess he's just gonna have to cowboy up.

The Notorious LJT said...

has everyone else stopped? if it's just me here, that's kind of boot leg. oh well i'm downtown, i can just go look at the statue of liberty. or maybe say a hail mary. no one else is in my office though. if the doors are locked it's feel like i'm in a trap. i'll probably leave soon, my workday should end-around 7.

Open Bar said...

I'm here for the moment, Chuck. I don't think Tiki should reverse course like this. He should draw up a new plan, so we don't have to endure the countless bullshit, trite-as-hell stories we're now doomed to read, which are as cliched as that band Nickelback's music.

ChuckJerry said...

I guess his new girlfriend had a tight end.

If Tiki's wife lied during the divorce trial they should charger with perjury.

If Tiki wants to get his money back, I guess he could raider bank account.

I know Tiki doesn't like being broke, but he's going to have to grin and bear it.

ChuckJerry said...

Maybe if he needs money, he can start selling corn for a buccaneer.

I don't know if Tiki should come out of retirement. His girlfriend is very busy and he's got to coordinator schedule.

Tiki coming back to the league at 36? I'm Shockeyed. (sorry, that one just made me happy)

The Notorious LJT said...

oh snap, that was a good one.

The Notorious LJT said...

if this goes on through tomorrow, i'm going to miss it because i'm flying on a jet down to florida.

Anonymous said...

When will your flight touch down?