Thursday, January 29, 2009

Purely To Get Rid of That Fucking Music

I have nothing at all to say but I just noticed that Z Rock is the last post on our page and this post will bump it off.


Open Bar said...

Sweet lord in heaven is that good news.

ChuckJerry said...

Yes, thank you. I posted that at work, where I don't have speakers. I didn't realize there was music until a couple days later.

Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

Great video, that guy is such a douche, after he takes off his sunglasses, he realizes, "damn, I just got played by an octogenarian (sp?)" wish the video went for another 30 seconds so we can see what he did next. Probably yells at the kids for laughing because his doucheness has been caught on film for posterity. -winit