Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Large Ups; Slightly More Formal Than Big Ups

Happy Birthday, Open Bar. It's fan-tastic. You deserve a break today. The choice of a new generation. Have it your way. Pretty sneaky, sis. I can't believe I ate the whole thing. Little, yellow, different*. All you need is a dollar and a dream. Where's the beef? The quicker picker upper. So easy a caveman can do it**. You're in good hands. Like a Rock. Eet mor chikkin. Avoid the noid. Oh Yeeaaaahhhhhh!!! Mmm mmm good. The king of beers. Talk to Chuck. That was easy. (Oontz, oontz) Tommy's (oontz, oontz, oontz, oon-oon-oontz) Tunes (oontz, oontz). You know what my dad always says: No gimmicks, just good deals.

* - We need to make friends with an Asian guy so we can start calling him Nuprin.

** - Next time I play the dozens (not since 1989, probably), I'm gonna say, "Yo momma's nickname is Geico, because she's so easy a caveman can do it."


The Notorious LJT said...

chuck, a little early to start drinking, no?

ob - happy birthday, you old fart!

Joe Grossberg said...

Oh man, that Tommy's Tunes reference just made my day.

"Tommy's Tunes will rock you. But the price won't shock you!"


Open Bar said...

I agree that we need to befriend an Asian. I wanna see some awesome nunchuck moves.

ChuckJerry said...

Too bad that's the same Tommy's Tunes commercial.

The no gimmicks, just good deals one isn't as good as I hoped, either.


ChuckJerry said...

Too bad that's the same Tommy's Tunes commercial.

The no gimmicks, just good deals one isn't as good as I hoped, either.


ChuckJerry said...

Not the same, I should say.