Friday, April 3, 2009

The end of an ERa

How's that for clever titling? Get it? Because the post is about the last episode of ER? With the capital E and the R....for ER.....get it?

Anyway, last night was the last episode of ER and I felt some small need to post about it. I mean, I don't think there wasn't a time for any of us when ER wasn't required viewing. Of course, that time may have been 1996, but still, I'm kinda sad to see it go. Incidentally, which show do you think won the "Chicago hospital drama war" between ER and Chicago Hope?

Circa 2005, I wrote a post about how I had started watching ER again. I've been watching it since then, and I have to say the show was still really engaging into its 15th season. After having taken a few years off from ER and then picking it up again, I feel like this is one of the better shows in television history.

I mean, I could go on and on about how good this show is and, now that it's off the air, I'm sure people would agree with me, but there are really a couple of things I want to highlight. First is that the one thing I can say with certainty about ER is that it was really consistent. ER is the Derek Jeter of TV shows. Second is that they essentially turned that cast over every 5 years or so and still managed to keep the show interesting and entertaining and engaged in the new characters.

I don't want to bore anyone with recaps of the plot or anything like that, except to say that I was pretty happy with the whole last season, which essentially acted like a really long last episode. And the last episode was a little bit of a departure in that it was basically an homage to the first episode, but that also was satisfying.

Again, I know everyone else probably stopped watching ER in 1999, but I just felt it was worth mentioning.


Open Bar said...

"ER is the Derek Jeter of TV shows."

You mean ER can't field a grounder more than two feet to its left?

ChuckJerry said...

I was thinking more that it was never the best, but was astoundingly consistent and reliable for a long period of time and is, therefore, a hall of famer.

But also the ground ball thing.

Side Bar said...

Stop it. ER was terrible. And don't throw 24 back at me. At least I can admit 24 is stupid.

ChuckJerry said...

Interesting. I honestly enjoyed it for the last several seasons. I didn't ask anyone else to watch.

The Notorious LJT said...

i never liked er

word verification: mitede

The Notorious LJT said...

i never liked er

word verification: mitede

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you're heterosexual?

ChuckJerry said...

ER is a gay show?

Anonymous said...

No, not necessarily. You're just the first ER-watcher I've ever heard of that is male. This is not a put-down, seriously. I've only heard women discussing ER. And I've never seen it, and I'm ALL man.

Side Bar said...

That's the problem he did though.